Thursday, January 28, 2010

Slowed down.... LOL!!!

Okay I have slowed down enough now to get some pictures up and tell you what we have been up too.

We have been doing a lot of dancing, well for us it is a lot. We dance once a week and looks like we might check out another dance hall. Well it is a hall in another park. Most of the parks around have some sort of activity hall that also doubles for dancing. Some are large and others are small. You could dance every night of the week, I believe. Our friends from Petoskey, (Betty and Jerry), are down here and they keep us updated on were to go for dancing. I will have pictures of this event the next time I blog.

We went bird watching and found some very interesting birds.

This is a Green Jay....very beautiful, but a typical Jay.

These are called Plain Chachalaca, (Mexican Pheasants), or so we where told. They really looked like Road Runners to us at first glance. Plus the Red Squirrel in the background.

These are Javelinas...not wild pigs. They are related to Hippos, some way. But I thought that they little guy on his mamas back was cute just the same.

And we finally, (but not the last trip), made it to Mexico; interesting. I know that not all of Mexico is like a border town, so please don't get up in arms. But what we saw was very interesting to us. Only because we have not seen this kind of thing before, or should I say that, I have never had this experience. So with that being said I found it different, but not unpleasant, overwhelming.

This is just before we crossed into Mexico. I wanted to take pictures of the tank that was right at the border, but the military guys really didn't look like that was a good idea. So I didn't take it.

Okay it was a little dusty and what's a guy to do??? Margaritas here we come. We where able to get them pretty much anywhere along the road. We shopped our butts off, (I wish), and really need to go back and try it again.

I have more pictures up on my web album, so go and take a look....I have more to say, but I need to close this blog and load it up on the next blog, plus I need to get ready to go to a flea market.

'till the next time, all is well with the girls and us.

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